Looking for Farm Land in South Carolina


Bantam Queen
7 Years
Apr 28, 2016
New York
We are looking for some farm land in South Carolina, near the border of North Carolina. We need about 10-20 acres, with a house and smaller guest house on it. Our goal is to grow superfood berries. We also want to have some animals, but that's mostly for our own enjoyment.
We would like to sell our products in Ashville, NC and Greenville, SC -- not too far of a ride. Maybe 1-1 1/2 hours.
Does anyone know where would be a good place to look?
Happy, you may try looking to see if there are any buy/sell/swap papers or magazines around those areas. Have a look on Craigslist, check Facebook maybe. We live pretty rural and sometimes the banks will have land listed for sale/auction too. Just a few ideas on places to check.
Happy, you may try looking to see if there are any buy/sell/swap papers or magazines around those areas. Have a look on Craigslist, check Facebook maybe. We live pretty rural and sometimes the banks will have land listed for sale/auction too. Just a few ideas on places to check.

Those are all great ideas! Thank you!
We are looking for some farm land in South Carolina, near the border of North Carolina. We need about 10-20 acres, with a house and smaller guest house on it. Our goal is to grow superfood berries. We also want to have some animals, but that's mostly for our own enjoyment.
We would like to sell our products in Ashville, NC and Greenville, SC -- not too far of a ride. Maybe 1-1 1/2 hours.
Does anyone know where would be a good place to look?
I'm in Eastern NC about 1.5 hours north of the SC border - there's a fair amount of land popping up around here (we just purchased 6 acres ourselves) it's a good bit farther from the Asheville and Greenville SC areas - but I'll bet it's a fair bit cheaper too.
I'm in Eastern NC about 1.5 hours north of the SC border - there's a fair amount of land popping up around here (we just purchased 6 acres ourselves) it's a good bit farther from the Asheville and Greenville SC areas - but I'll bet it's a fair bit cheaper too.

We're really only looking is SC. But, it seems there is a lot of land available there too! We've already found properties that could work. :D

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