Looking for help with a sore eye


11 Years
Jan 10, 2011
laurentian hills
I got a little too excited at a recent sale, and purchased birds without identifying the source, I came to find out it was a known breeder that used to be a puppy mill and is shady at best.
Lesson learned.

I now have these sweet birds and noticed right off two of them had a sore eye.
I waited for sneezes, sniffles, goopy eyes, etc and it hasn't happened.
One has improved drastically over the last week, one has not.

I'm not sure if it's a sliver or if it's a scar from a bad scratch.
I tried to rinse it today and it doesn't seem to have dislodged it at all.

I don't have a vet here that will treat and am wondering what I should do next.


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