Looking for ideas and best practices......


Jun 22, 2022
We are a suburban family of 6 and are planning to grow food and raise chickens as part of our plan. We have 3 dogs, 2 parakeets and a fish so we are committed animal lovers and want to use the best info to begin our flock of hens that we will raise in the near future here in Kernersville, NC. What are some things you wish you had known that no one tells a newbie? Thanks, CW
Hello, and welcome to BYC! I'm so glad you decided to join our friendly and helpful community. Number one thing I would tell newbies that they might not know is that keeping chickens can get expensive! A lot of people are thinking about the so-called "free eggs" That chickens give them.

It's not so much that no one tells a newbie as it is simply lack of research. Research is your best friend, then comes patience, prevention, and consistency.
I had to learn the hard way because I was impatient but the information was there.
1. Know how many you want and how many you can realistically keep...chicken math is a real thing and it's no fun having stressed out chickens or downsizing if you don't have space to expand.
2. Always build bigger than what you need.
3. Be aware the common illnesses and viruses chickens can get - what type of biosecurity measures meet your needs.
4. Preventative things you can do to avoid mites, lice, rats, mice, and of course predators.

Best of luck on your journey!
Here is a link to my favorite condensed article that tells you Everything I Wish I Had Known Before My First Chick. It is very helpful. You have some very good advice above. It is NOT cheep (er, cheap). But you will know where your eggs came from, and how the birds were treated.

In North Carolina, you should have a nice wide variety of chicken breeds that would thrive. There are some members in rather extreme climates (Arizona, Maine, Alaska) who have to think carefully about breeds that will do well.

Do over-build. Do be careful about predator protection. You will want your coop and run to be easy for you to access to clean. Check out the Learning Center for more info, and LOTS of coop designs. Browse the Forums to see what folks are discussing or to post questions in places where they are most likely to be answered quickly. And you might like to connect with other BYC members in your area, using the Where Am I/Where Are You forum, to look for your state thread.

You are starting out right by doing some research first. Good for you guys. Best wishes with your chicken project! They are fun birds, and a good way for families to learn together.
Hi, welcome to BYC! pleased to meet you and thanks for joining us. I wish I would have known that the price of grain was going to go through roof 50 years after getting my own birds. Also, that girls didn't really have cooties (germs) when I was in the first grade. :celebrate Just joking here! :frow:loveGod bless! sorry I got carried away. :oops:
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