Looking for opinions...Roos or Hens??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 6, 2013
Upstate NY
Hoping someone can let me know their opinion. I'm sure the Polish and Brabanter (2nd picture in the back) are roos, but I'm wondering about the Americauna (1st pic). I'm taking the roos back to where I purchased them from in exchange for pullets of about the same age (about 3 1/2 months). Thanks everyone!

I was pretty sure the brabanter in the front was a hen. The tails feathers are not as long or as "spiky" as the one in the back.
The saddle feathers are more rounded and shorter than the other brabanter. I'm assuming the saddle feathers are the around the tail feathers? (newbie chicken owner!)
The 1st one is an EasterEgger, I bought 2 (guaranteed pullets) but his tail feathers just strike me as that of a rooster. I might take all of them back up to the hatchery and have him check them for me! lol That owner is exchanging any roosters I have for pullets about the same age that he still has available. But I really wanted 2 EE's :( Of what he has available, I'm leaning towards Partridge Wyandottes.
I'm with you shamn, that brabanter looks pullet to me. No obvious spiky or curvy feathers, her color is even all over unlike the cockerel etc. Even her crest is different from his.
can someone please give me an opinion on the sex,it will be 3 weeks old Sunday.

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