Looking for Silver Appleyard Ducklings


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 24, 2013
Could someone please direct me to some Silver Appleyard ducklings or hatching eggs. I was set to receive 4 babies last weekend, but the breeder said only one hatched :-( I'd like to purchase 4 to 5 ducklings, but will purchase eggs if need be. The hatcheries I've ,located online, want so much for shipping for a small order of ducklings. Please if anyone can dirct me in the right location I'd greatly appreciate it.
I got SA eggs from celticoaksfarm. They were amazing people to work with. Very happy with my order. They are hatching right now. Got 12 eggs. All were fertile. Lost 2 around halfway thru from incubator troubles. 1 hatched yesterday, 3 today, and hopefully the rest tomorrow. They were suppose to to hatch tomorrow so I was really shocked to come home yesterday with a lil ducky in the incubator. Anyways, u can ask them if they still have eggs available.
Could someone please direct me to some Silver Appleyard ducklings or hatching eggs. I was set to receive 4 babies last weekend, but the breeder said only one hatched :-( I'd like to purchase 4 to 5 ducklings, but will purchase eggs if need be. The hatcheries I've ,located online, want so much for shipping for a small order of ducklings. Please if anyone can dirct me in the right location I'd greatly appreciate it.
<Might want to look here too. https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/34/other-poultry-birds-hatching-eggs

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