Looking to buy in early April...


11 Years
Jun 11, 2008
N. West Michigan
Fertile eggs of specific breeds that I can't seem to find (or are out of stock) on line... Don't have an incubator yet-- so am getting that 1st... also, the weather should be better by then too.

If your Guys and Gals will have some fertile eggs ready in early April, I am Interested, and paying shipping is no issue either...
I live in Michigan-- would prefer to buy from people nearby (Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin etc...) So they spend less time in transit.

The breeds I am looking for are:

Aracauna or Americauna (EE)
White crested polish (any color)
Splash polish (any color)

Thanks! Momma Cluck

Cream Brabanter
Hello I will have Welsummer eggs available from now untill fall. They are 20.00 dollars a dozen plus shipping if you are interested.
We have black marans from Ray Valentine bloodlines. Here is a pic of their eggs.

I have black copper marans from Wade Jean line, feathered feet, C-1. I'm in Georgia but with priority mail and the freshness of our eggs, I've had great hatch reports.

Here's our eggs from a recent shipment:

Here are some of our flock:



We were blessed to get these as one day olds. We care for them with great respect, food - grains, feed and veggies from our chemical free garden and much care.

We are full time farmers so we don't answer e mails, just pm's and phone calls.

We do accept paypal and money orders and fill our orders based upon payment is received and your desired shipping date. Please pm me with any questions you might have. Please let me know if we may serve you in any other way. Thanks and have a blessed day.
Thanks all! Will be PMing several of you very soon!
Just picked up our 1st ever 'bator with auto turner....
so will be wanting to buy eggs After Payday (the 3rd)
I have a a flock of very different beautiful EE's. I live in IL, You can pay whatever they seem worth. If your interested PM me, and I can give you pictures.

I also have quite a few beautiful breeds but they are all running together. So I can offer you mutt eggs as well. You will get some Full Light Brahma's. And some Buff Orps, Rhode Island Reds, Crested Polish,EE mixes as well.

Also I have a White Crested Polish Rooster but no Polish hens. So I guess I can't help you out there. But in a few months I will have a bunch of different colored polish chickens.

If you want any pictures of my flock, or want more info please feel free to PM. I would love to help you fill your bator!
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I have Copper Black Marans (Wade Jeane & Channing Grisham lines), and have a Barnevelder pair, so I could get a few eggs out of them. I'm in West Lafayette, IN.

Let me know.

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