looking to trade extra seeds


12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Jonestown Pa , Columbia County
HI I have some extra veggie seeds that I was wondering if anyone would want to trade for. This is a list of what I have and what I would really like but basicly let me know what you have to offer and I will probabaly be more then happy to trade. I am looking to swap evenly for extras you may have that I don't have any of. I would mail them simply enough in an envelope so it would cost a stamp pretty much to swap them.

Here is what I have-
cucs - strait 8's and pickeling
ornamental mix gourds
spinach- bloomsdale savoy
cherry tomato
leaf lettuce- black seeded simpson

Things I would really like to have -
mild banna peppers
pretty much anything heirloom
I might have some heirloom veggie seeds left... I will have to look. Are you interested in any flowers or herbs? I have a TON of those!
Ok, I have these veggie seeds from www.Rareseeds.com.

Sugar Ann Snap Peas
Ali Baba Watermelon
Common chives
Bianca Di Maggio
Nero Di Toscana or Black Palm tree Cabbage
Atomic red carrot
St Valery Carrot
Taiwan Black long bean
Charentais melon
I am alo hoping to put in an order for some more root plants. I had best luck with my carrots last year so I am going to try turnips, radishes, carrots, parsnips, etc. I will post a list as soon as I place my order.
I have Amish Pie Pumpkin and Galeux d'Eysiness. Harvested myself last fall. The seeds I planted came from Rare Seeds as well. Would be willing to trade for cucumber.
Ok, here's what I just ordered... I'm sure I will have extras of all....

BT102 - Golden Beet
BT108 - Albino Beet
BT110 - Detroit Dark Red Beet
CR101 - St. Valery Carrot
CR104 - Tonda di Parigi Carrot
CR112 - Cosmic Purple Carrot
CR113 - Lunar White Carrot
HPP116 - Romanian Hot Pepper
HPP126 - Chili De Comida Pepper
KL101 - Early Purple Vienna Kohlrabi
PP128 - Red Belgian Pepper
PP131 - King Of The North Pepper
PR101 - Hollow Crown Parsnip
PR102 - Harris Model Parsnip
RD106 - White Hailstone Radish
RD109 - Pink Beauty Radish
RD112 - Japanese Minowase Daikon
RT102 - Laurentian Rutabaga
TM111 - Beefsteak Tomatoes
TM128 - German Red Strawberry Tomatoes
TM132 - Riesentraube Tomatoes
TM162 - Ingegnoli Gigante Liscio Tomatoes
TN103 - Purple Top White Globe Turnip
TW108 - White Beauty or Snowball Tomatoes
I have some tigerous lily seeds alsoyou might be intrested in Guitartists but not alot of them. They are orange with black spots and get usually 5-8 flowers on a stalk. those I would only be able to part with a few seeds though I didn't collect that many this year to save I planted them instead. would love to have a few golden beets if you have extras.
okay I sent some pms but since I am not sure if they went though or not you can email me with what you are intrested in and how many you would like to swap for (tablespoon or a certain number of seeds) and I will let you know what I would like off your list. Thanks so much everyone. and happy gardening!

email is [email protected]

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