So My flock currently consists of 2 old girls (ISA Browns) 2 10 month old (Plymouth Barred Rock) and 4 chicks (4 weeks old).
So one of the BR (Doris) went broody about 2 months ago and I allowed her to hatch! So she's still mumming her 4 chicks. Last night when I went to check on them I noticed her sister (Rosie) sitting in the nest box, I kind of thought "she's in bed early" and let it go. Well went out there when I got home from work tonight there she was again and all fluffed up!!!!
Hahahaha! I got myself another broody!
It makes me happy as I had to euthanise one of my old girls on Monday and I was so sad.
I wasn't expecting to have another broody quite so soon after my last one. So here starts the search for some fertilised eggs again. It appears hatching in all forms is addictive!!
So one of the BR (Doris) went broody about 2 months ago and I allowed her to hatch! So she's still mumming her 4 chicks. Last night when I went to check on them I noticed her sister (Rosie) sitting in the nest box, I kind of thought "she's in bed early" and let it go. Well went out there when I got home from work tonight there she was again and all fluffed up!!!!
Hahahaha! I got myself another broody!
It makes me happy as I had to euthanise one of my old girls on Monday and I was so sad.
I wasn't expecting to have another broody quite so soon after my last one. So here starts the search for some fertilised eggs again. It appears hatching in all forms is addictive!!