Losing chicks ~ a week after hatching

Unless you want and have housing for a lot of chicks, get more nest boxes and more housing so you can put the non-layers/broodies in there. Otherwise it is time to start breaking some of your less experienced broody hens.
What breed/s are these?
Unless you want and have housing for a lot of chicks, get more nest boxes and more housing so you can put the non-layers/broodies in there. Otherwise it is time to start breaking some of your less experienced broody hens.
What breed/s are these?

We have ~15 nest boxes. Crazy clucks all want to use the same 3. some of the older girls have taken to another one in a different coop the last week or so though, but then my doofus silkie decided to brood on those. I keep kicking her butt out though and taking the eggs.

My broodies are svart honas and Bresse right now, with a Barred and an EE playing surrogate mom for the hatchlings. The Bresse I'm fine with, I actually bought them with the intent of breeding (my one roo is a blue American Bresse, so knowing he's very fertile is a win). The rest I'm booting after this batch hatches out, because the coop they're in will become the full time home for the Bresse.

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