Losing neck feathers


In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2020
I am a newbie in growing hens and I have four 10 months old hens. I just noticed that my Black Laced Silver Wyandotte is losing feathers from behind her neck. The skin looks yellow (sorry the picture is the best I could take ... I will try to get a better one). She is active as usual. Since the ground is frozen, I have two trays of top soil for dust baths. The coop is clean and dry. What could it be? How can I help her?
As long as you see new feathers coming in, everything should be fine! Just look for those new pin feathers. (There are lots of new pin feathers there). I agree with the above! Could also be a minor molt.
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It appears she's got new feathers coming in. She's probably just a little late in completing her final juvenile molt.
Thank you!! I feel so relieved now!! I panicked seeing yellow skin. I just realized that is the skin color for Wyandotte!!
Guessing this is a partial molt.

Chickens molt and grow a new set of feathers 2-3 times before around 6 months of age, those are called the juvenile molts.
Some pullets will have a partial molt their first fall/winter.
Most birds will have their first full adult molt their second fall/winter.


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