Lost 2 of the 4 girls


In the Brooder
May 14, 2018
Would neighborhood cats be considered predators? We lost 2 of our girls today and the only animals we've seen near the birds are neighborhood cats. One the head Is missing the other was torn to shreds. Not even eaten. Looks like a sport kill.
Raccoons may the be culprit, but also, is there any dog nearby at all? Most wild animals do not kill for sport. I have had dogs decapitate a chicken, and simply kill others, but completely for sport. What is the general time it happened and where?
I have noticed a few cats around and no one with chickens has had any issues with the csts. Last year I had a stray rooster. Went out to check on him and a he was sleeping with a cat.

Sounds like a raccoon to me.

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