Lost my Roo today


10 Years
Jun 11, 2009
Olympia, WA
I went out to change the water and all my girls were there, but not my roo! So I went and walked the fence line and sure enough there was a big pile of feathers by one of the fences and a smaller pile of feathers much closer to my barn. Just feathers, nothing else. This is the second bird this week, since I lost a slw two days ago. I never really looked for any sign for her. They free-range all day and I didn't find out she was gone until after dark (when my husband told me the count was off). I'm really upset about the rooster though, I hate the idea of sending the girls out without him. He was quiet, nice, and watched the skies.
Sorry about your roo.
I Agree With Last Post Once A Killer Shows Up And Kills They Will Be Back Until All Is Gone I Had This Problem But After The 1st One I Set Up A Ambush And Took Care Of Killer I Guess Thats The Hunter In Me But I Can't Expect My Roo To Fight By Him Self He Has Me To Help.
Sounds like your roo did his job....he probably tried to stand his ground while the girls got away.

You need to confine those girls, set traps and get rid of the predator...it will come back until you kill it or it kills all the chickens.

I am so sorry for your loss.

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