Lost my Silkie chick:(


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 15, 2011
I lost my partridge Silkie due to being constipated. I feel horrible, but I did try everything. I am thinking of picking up 2 more chicks. This is my first time having chicks and I want to make sure all will get along. We have 2 week old silkies (2), Easter Egger bantam, and buff Orphington and 1 week old blue cochins (2). we are thinking about getting 1 more Silkie and a bantam Cochin. They will hatch on Thursday. Do you think all will get along?
I would be hesitant to put younger chicks with older chicks, sometimes the older onces don't let the younger ones eat
They should be fine. 2 week olds will be easy to add babies.
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Thanks for the feedback. My buff Orphington girl seems to tower over my others, one due to the fact hat she is a week older and also since some of the others are bantams. She is starting to lose her fluff. They all cuddle up to her at night and she seems really good with the others. The place where I got them from have some hatching Thursday and I will probably pick them up on either Friday or Tuesday.

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