Lost Swan Today


14 Years
Jul 11, 2010
South of Blanco, TX
My precious Black Australian Swan, Gracie passed away today. Can't understand why. They are so well cared for. Gunther was at her side even nudging her with his beak. I'm devastated...can't quit crying. I've read the mate can sometimes grieve itself to death. Please tell me that's not the norm. Have no idea what to do now. I'll probably be up checking on him all night. I have no idea what to do now.... I'm sure he needs a companion be it female or male. Any suggestions?
Sorry for your loss. I think you're doing the right thing by focusing on Gunther. Since you don't know what happened to her i would look closely around the pen for any hazards, especially something poisonous. And I agree with nikkers above, finding out what happened to her might be the best way to protect him. Try to stay strong.
Thank you so much for your replies. LOL, I'm still crying. Going to call my doctor early morning and ask him to call in prescription for Xanax or something to curb how I feel. I spend so much time with them they are pets. I've wrapped her in material, then plastic and she's in the freezer so I can look into having a necropsy done. Have no idea where? Will start calling Monday. Nothing poisonous chemical wise but here in Texas we have snakes, centipedes, scorpions, Black Widow and Brown Recluse, yellow jackets, hornets, etc; etc; The swans build a nest about 8 by 8 feet and 3 feet high in the nice big swan house I'm assuming for laying eggs. I'm taking it all out. No telling what could be lurking in there. Going to go check on Gunther again and try to get some sleep. I turned the baby monitor on so I can hear what's going on outside. So strange...it's peafowl breeding season. The peacocks call all day and night. I've not heard a peep out of them. Thanks again.
How old was she? Wondering if Swans get eggbound?

My understanding is they can get egg bound. I felt around but may not have done it properly. Unfortunately freezing her to keep insects from her body until proper hole can be dug to bury her in was the wrong thing to do for necropsy. We live in the Hill Country of Texas where ground is rocks and limestone. Gunther is doing ok but was somewhat lifeless for a few days. He ate and drank but his fun personality was gone as mine was. We both miss her so much. He finally started talking to me........hadn't uttered a sound for 3 days. Played with him in the water yesterday. He's spending a lot of time on the fence line I believe to be near the peafowl. I feel so bad for him. I'll be looking for a 2, 3, 4 year old Black Aussie swan. Tomorrow I'm cleaning out their approximately 8x8 foot and 3 foot high nest they built in the swan house very carefully in case there is a big snake lurking in it.........or 9" centipede......or brown recluse/black widow spider, etc; etc; My poor Gracie. I wish I could have protected her from what caused her to die. I feel so guilty (tears streaming again). I'd just started a new bag of Mazuri Waterfowl feed. Called Purina and told them what had happened and that I could not feed Gunther any more of it unless I am assured by them it is safe. They sent rep out to get sample to be tested and is actually replacing the bag regardless. Texas Rep so kind. Thanks for post. Makes me feel better to talk about it.

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