Lots of chicks for sale, and FREE cockerels!!! PM me if interested!!!


Crazy for Cochins
10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
Tab, Indiana
First, let me say, if you are interested, please PM me first. Do NOT hit the Buy it Now button!

I have TONS of chicks available for pick up in West Central Indiana. I have mostly Bantams, ranging in age from 8 weeks down to less than a week old. Pure Bantam Cochins, Cochin mixes, Silkie mixes, Brahma mixes, and more. I also have Standard Marans mixes. I have lots of free cockerels to offer as well. Some are standard, some are bantam. Prices start at $1 for mixes and go up from there. PM me for a complete price list. Here are some pics:





I also have a beautiful White Silkie chick available for sale too, 2 weeks old!
Cochins could be Barred, Blue, Splash, White, and Black. I haven't yet gotten any Black Mottled, but my Black Mottled hen is broody at the moment! PM if interested!
I have never shipped chicks. I'm not exactly sure how to do it. These guys are a little over 2 weeks old now, and I'm sure that would mean a bigger box, and I'd have to look hard into all that it would entail. Depending on where you are in Wisconsin, I might be able to get the chicks to Chicago, but you'd have to pick them up from there, and it wouldn't be until probably next month. I'd have to send them back North with a friend of mine, and that's only if he were willing!

I kind of hate the idea of the cockerels being used for food, but I suppose that if I didn't think about it too hard, it wouldn't have that much of an effect on me. The more I look at them anyway, the more I'm thinking that I'll have to find someone to process them for me if I can't rehome them. So they would end up as food anyways.

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