Lots of double yolkers!


15 Years
Dec 23, 2007
We have a mixed flock of EEs, Delawares, Polish, Buff Orps and Buff Brahmas (Brahmas not laying yet), all about 23 weeks of age. This week we have had a run on double yolk eggs, with 4 in the last 4 days, from different hens. Is this likely to be just young hens who's reproductive systems are just getting the hang of things, or will they keep doing this? The kids love the yolks, so they are hoping it's not temporary!

A few pics:


Our record egg so far (74.1 grams, yes I weigh them...)


A few days' worth of eggs:

That is a great looking bowl of eggs there. But double yolkers can be very dangerous for your hens. Keep a close eye for prolapse and ruptures.

Yeh, we have the same thing with are chickens there 29 weeks old (wow, time went really fast!) I don't now if it will continue thou. Also were getting smiler colored eggs from are flock of EE, RIR,CM,,and BA(But unlike you we get white from the White Leghorns in the flock)
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Beautiful eggs. I wish our EE's would lay bigger eggs. I have two black sex-links that are laying small eggs and have since they started laying a month ago. And all my EE's eggs are small. But then my Golden Comets' eggs are all huge, many double yolkers, also got one from my Buff Orp so far. I'll have to check them for prolapse and ruptures....some of their eggs have been extremely large. I never weighed them tho.

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