Mailing chicks across country


7 Years
Mar 8, 2012
Junction City, Oregon
We hatch our own chicks but buy Lohmann Brown chicks from a local hatchery and sell them locally to backyard farmers. They seem to be hard to get around the country and we've had requested to buy from the hatcery and mail them to various places. The hatchery doesn't sell small amounts to individuals just large quantities to commercial egg farms. We would like to accomodate backyarders in other states but are unsure about the best way to mail them. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I would love to hear from those who have experience in mailing day old chicks.
First of all make sure you have all the proper NPIP paperwork to ship chicks across state lines.

As for the care of the chicks, we only ship April through July and September and October to avoid any of the temperature pit falls that can occur when shipping chicks such as extreme cold or hot weather. It is good to have at least 15 chicks for body warmth, but if you do smaller amounts there are 72 hour heat packs for animals you can send with them if needed. Even though chicks thrive on the egg yolk they consume before hatching for around 72 hours, we also buy and mix Gro Gel and leave some in the box. This provides a lot of extra nutrients and keeps the chicks hydrated. I have heard others use certain kinds of fruit and crushed boiled eggs to send along for the trip. It is also good to have the straw mats or something similar in the chick box as this prevents the chicks from sliding on cardboard and hurting their legs.

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