making a living on a small farm


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
Maybe this topic has been talked to death here, if so I apologize, but I'd love to hear how people make enough to keep the farm while working on the farm.
I'd take links to articles or message boards, blogs, anything.

I just went to a seminar on hops farming, so I'd like to hear experience on that too.

yes! any ideas to make money are welcome! I think we all want to know how to stay on the farm without having to leave for a "real" job! So far only my laying hens are paying for themselves, and selling some ducks brought in some nice money to pay for them, but luckily I am a fulltime dog groomer with a shop at home- that brings in the real $$ but doesn't leave me much time for actual farming!
It sounds like you guys need to head over to our sister site, Sufficient Self.
A lot of members over there have self-sufficient "journal" threads that you would probably find fascinating.
I have to agree, they are really AWESOME! Also, might check out the backyard herds for some valuable info along these lines as well. It's another sister site. I lurk all of them
but this is my home at BYC
You need to learn to live without sleep...

Are you self sufficient in almost every way....The more you can do or do for yourself, the better... Luxuries need to go out the window....

We sell produce, livestock of every kind, pet bunnies, chicks, poults, keets, guineas, ducks, etc.

We raise milk goats and sell them and make our onwn cheese and butter.

We will soon be selling honey. I sell plants and started veggies. It's hard but you can make a "small" living on a small farm.

Diversified and hard work is key...Probably a good idea to intern on a small farm....It would teach you some of the realities of the small farmer.
thanks chicken lady! I'll have to check them out- haven't been there yet!

and Bargain- that's my gameplan! I've got the no sleep part down, but the FUNCTIONING on the no sleep still needs a little work
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