Making medicated water taste better?


8 Years
Oct 24, 2011
I was reading another members topic but it was locked when the member talked back to the moderator, but I have the same problem. I was treating my chickens with sulfa drugs in their water and they dont drink it. Is there a sure way to make them drink it?
keep them in the coop and take their water away for a little while. When you think they are going to be thirsty bring the medicated water back in.
does that really work? the taste wont ward them off? I read in another topic the birds can die if they avoid the water?
does that really work? the taste wont ward them off? I read in another topic the birds can die if they avoid the water?

well im about to medicate some water and I talked to my boss who has kept chicks for 30 + years.. Thats what he told me to do
I would imagine that taking the water away works....chickens are wierd...if the water is there, and they are ignoring it, you take it out and bring it back, they run to it like they haven't had anything to drink in days! Adding something like gatorade or something to sweeten the taste, that may work too.
yea your right, I tip their water sometimes to get floaty things out and they act like its fresh water. hahahahaha
Try a little sugar, brown sugar, honey or molasses to cover the bitterness. I guess my chickens just aren't that picky, I haven't had this come up yet.

I also wonder if you water through a bottle/nipples if that would help since there wouldn't be body of water for them to took my chickens 2 minutes to figure out using a water bottle, now it seems like that click click click never stops.
I have found that mine will drink anything if I put red Gatoraid in it. I am not sure if it is the color or the taste that they love so much. Good luck.

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