Male Hinnies and Sex Drive

I only have a male mulard, but he is convinced he is the male sex god of all ducks!
So yes as much sex drive as a first year horny khaki campbell (does anyone else with mixed flocks find their khaki campbell boys, especially an young single ones, in general are the worst offenders when it comes to raping and sex drives?)
I only have a male mulard, but he is convinced he is the male sex god of all ducks!
So yes as much sex drive as a first year horny khaki campbell (does anyone else with mixed flocks find their khaki campbell boys, especially an young single ones, in general are the worst offenders when it comes to raping and sex drives?)
Actually I don’t know if he is a mulard, or hinny, he’s one or the other but I got him as a rescue so no idea who the parents were.

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