Male or Female? (Description on How My Cochin Chick Behaves)


7 Years
Apr 30, 2016

He/she is a around a month old, doesn't have a comb yet, no spurs, unlike my yellow Cochin he/she completely ignores the new Silkie chick, docile, lays down more then my yellow Cochin, pecks my clothes and determined to peck my face (which I have learned not to let near my face), he/she is bigger and has more feathers then my yellow Cochin, chirps but is not loud, is the leader of the yellow Cochin, and is not aggressive when comes to food and treats. These are the signs and hope it can determine what gender this chick is. Oh, and both Cochins are the same age but the yellow one is a Giant and the one in the photo is a ordinary black Cochin. I'm really hoping it's not a roo. Thanks!
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It looks like a pullet at this point, but its still very young. I'm usually pretty sure of who's who on mine when they're around 7-9 weeks old.

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