Male or female quail and what breed?


8 Years
Oct 9, 2013
I got some free quail but am not sure whatmkind I got and I am worried I hqve 2 males or two females.. I hope its a male female couple...


And the other one[/IMG


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They definitely appear to be bobtail white quail though their genders aren't always too clear. Males have a white and black face, females are more brown and black. If they're young their adult feathering might not be fully developed to give you a 100% accuracy in differentiating gender. Also, there are a lot of color variations available which can make it a bit harder to determine sex. Both genders can be one of many different shades of brown, gray, black, etc. so don't lose hope just yet. The only way to be sure is if one or both lays an egg.
If are in fact both female and they do happen to lay eggs, definitely keep the eggs and incubate them in case they were mated before you got them!
These quail are known for storing viable sperm and producing fertile eggs up to two months since they last mated. Surprise eggs can lead to suprise chicks.
Oh great!! They are supposed to be 2 months. Hopefully I do have a couple. It is supposed to be a male female couple. :(:rolleyes:

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