Male or Female - Someone is Crowing!


10 Years
Mar 29, 2010
Caldwell, ID
I have two approximately 2.5 - 3 month old chickens that I got from one of the teachers at school (end of the semester) after being traumatized for two weeks in a kindergarten class. They were supposed to be all female, but I am starting to think at least one of them is male. The light one is picking on my older hen, and someone is crowing.

Oh - what type of chickens are they? Barred Rocks?

Sorry for the blurry pictures, but they are not that friendly and will not hold still for pictures (imagine being held (and dropped) for two weeks by kinderkids



Darker Chicken - black feathers are very colorful in the sun.


Lighter Chicken.


Thanks for any help!
barred rocks yes:)
Second photo appears to be a roo though--can't be 100% though
Last photo hen. usually the darker black are hens--lighter coloration roos
yes they are barred rocks and the darker one looks to be a male it has a larger comb and wattles and is tail feathers look as if hes a male.
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Those look to be Plymouth Rock - Barred chickens to me, AKA: Barred Rocks. If that's the case, I think the darker one is your boy, even though the "rule" is: Barred Rock males have wider white bars in their barring pattern, which makes them look "lighter" than the females. But in your pictures, the darker chicken has the wider white bars and the beginnings of rooster-like tail feathers.

But I'm no expert.
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Thanks everyone!

Looks like the darker one is going on vacation.....Strange luck this year - out of 10 eggs, 8 were male. Two chicks - one male.
I have to agree with mama24... They both are looking boyish.
They are the same age and have the same size combs and wattles, and I see saddle feathers on both.
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12 weeks is too early for that much comb development on the combs. I think they're both boys, though traditionally girls are supposed to be dark and boys are supposed to be light. Hatchery birds sometimes throw those rules to the winds by mixing their stock a lot.

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