Male or female?


7 Years
Jun 1, 2012
We currently have 3 chickens (Just lost our 4th to a dog, RIP!) and were wondering if they are hens or roosters! They are exactly 3 months old and 2 days ;) Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

The barred rock is a bit more skittish so the picture isn't as good as the others.

A final picture of (almost) all three of them :)

We were informed they were pullets when we bought them as chicks: Hopefully no roosters since we can't have them here in the city :(
I'd keep an eye on the brown ones...I say boys for those two. Going by the shiny green feathers in the tail that seem to curve more than the rest. It's hard to tell if it is the angle or not though. The one that is head on also seems to have a "boyish figure".
Barred rock is definitely a girl.
Thank you all!
And yes the brown ones do have a bit of a curve to their tail which is why i am mostly questioning them : /

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