Males or females?!


May 26, 2016
Hello everyone! Just wondering if anyone can tell from these photos if these are all females- as I was told, or if I might have a male or two. Thanks a ton!




Do I need to change up their food now that they are getting to laying age? I currently have them on Purina starter-grower organic feed.'my younger girls are only about a month behind the older ones. I want to make sure that I do the right thing for all of them- as the pretty much eat whatever is out there all around.

x2. They look like they are getting ready to lay soon.
Do I need to change up their diet? See my post above to see what they are currently on. (Purina starter-grower organic) but
All female. The red combs mean that they are almost ready to start laying.
I do have some girls that are about a month younger.
Do I need to change up their diet? See my post above to see what they are currently on. (Purina starter-grower organic) but
I do have some girls that are about a month younger.
Keep them on the starter/grower till they are all laying. Just make sure they have access to some crushed oyster shell for calcium. That's the only thing extra that layers really require.
Lol.. That is a good question. I hatched some quail to raise for eggs... all male. Then went to the feed store and got a few "hens". They now have started crowing.. all male. Apparently I am destined not to have eggs and apparently need some bird anatomy classes.
Will the other birds that aren't laying mess with the oyster shell and make themselves sick?
Or do they instinctively know what they need?
Thanks a ton! You've been a big help?
Keep them on the starter/grower till they are all laying. Just make sure they have access to some crushed oyster shell for calcium. That's the only thing extra that layers really require. 

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