I, like most of us here, spend a good portion of my time tending to the chickens. It is fun don't get me wrong, but it is always more fun to make a little money as well.
I wanted to put this topic up so some of the more experienced chicken aficionados could share some of their trade secrets on how to manage, or even make some money with this very rewarding hobby.
. I am not really experienced, but I suppose I could start us out. I breed Partridge Rocks, Blue Wyandottes, and BB Red Phoenix for show. However this presents a problem, I raise a bunch of chicks, and chicks eat ALOT
. So what I have found is good is to limit yourself to a couple breeds for improvement and have a pen or two full of layers. These layers will hopefully
lay enough eggs to put you in the black with your feed expenses. Anything else you can make outside of that is profit.
I would love to hear from my BYC friends on this one. How do you make ends meet with these birds? Is it profitable to have them, and does it actually make it more economical for you to keep chickens? Lets see what we can come up with.
p.s. I don't know if this is in the right spot so if it isn't I apologize in advance.
p.s. I don't know if this is in the right spot so if it isn't I apologize in advance.