Manchester, NH - So Confused


11 Years
Jul 20, 2011
Southern NH
Hello Everyone,

I've been reading the forums over the past week gathering as much information as possible. I received 6 baby chicks from my mom last weekend. They're adorable! I live in Manchester NH in a house. I have read some threads regarding the laws and I've attempted searching for them myself but alas I come up empty handed.

Does anyone have information on exactly what the ordinances are in this area? I saw the WMUR thread from last November which was sad since it was overturned. I have 6 chickens, if any are Roosters I will give them to my mom (only want eggs!). I see them as pets already.

Thanks in advance

So after some diligent searching and clever antics I found my answer! Unfortunately I'm so close to the edge of where it's "Ok" to have chickens for a business but not as pets... sounds back-backsidewards.

For those who are looking for the information:

Use the GIS Application Map to determine your District Zone:

reference this webpage for the link to the PDF:

the PDF and you'll find a chart. This chart you can use to determine whether or not you're permitted, need a special exception or not for raising chickens. Ironically enough the zone right down the street requires special permission to raise chickens for "Business reasons" while raising them for pets it's not permitted. *sigh*

Take Care!

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