mandarin duck freeranging


12 Years
Nov 16, 2011
east Tennessee
Are mandarin duck migratory? I figured that when I have too many of them for my aviary I can let some out to be around the yard and it wont hurt me as bad if I Iose one.
No They are not migratory and should be kept in an enclosed avairy unless you pinnion the birds so they can not fly off.

If not you would be letting go a nonnative species go
They are migratory, but not here! They have no idea where to go and will just die. I've heard of a few joining up with flocks of wood ducks and making it around. Native to Russia and Japan, they are migratory over there. It is illegal to introduce a non-native species into the wild, on purpose or accident, without proper permits, which you'd never get here for Mandarins anyway.Would it really hurt anything? Most likely not, but that is not our call...
I agree. Dont let them go. Its against the law. However, if you want to further research more about illegally released manderin populations in the U.S and possible migration routes here. I cant remember, but I think try Going to either Califonia hunting or maybe natural resouces. I believe this state has them now established so much so as the birds are now included in the waterfowl bag limits. If anyone wants to furthers the research of this. Post on here and update us please
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Mandarins are not included on the CA domesticated game bird breeders permit or specifically mentioned in the CA waterfowl hunting regulations. There are certainly established feral populations and I would count any species of waterfowl shot in CA as part of my bag.
They are not on any list, State or Federal as being protected... If you shot a chicken while pheasant hunting would you include that in your bag limit too? No... If I shot a non native species to the US, I would keep shooting til my real bag limit is filled... They are considered as the exotics are in Texas, ie: Fallow deer, feral goats, etc, they are non native and non regulated species. Meaning no game value... Will that change? Possibly, but as for now they are not protected anywhere in the US. If they were to be protected in one state and not another then they would have to rewrite the rules to include them on the Federal Migratory Bird Act, but only for that State... Just a mess Government won't wanna deal with.

They would also have to say Mandarins can be bought and sold without any permit at all, unless you are dealing with CA. Then you have to have the Fed License like you would all other native species, but only in CA! Just a couple examples. I'd love to see flocks of Mandarins coming into my decoys, though, That would be a sight to see! I too have toyed with the idea of releasing as many birds as I could every year right after hunting season to try and establish a population on the local river... Not legal and prob not a good idea to introduce the non native species to compete with what is already existing. Example: Mute Swans on the East Coast...
I wouldn't mind getting a feral Mandarin myself. However I am not interested in spending my life savings making California case law regarding bag limits as it pertains to defining "ducks" in the regulations. Either way they are not listed.

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