mandarin duckling sex determination


9 Years
Jun 13, 2015
Hello everyone!

I'm getting my first mandarin ducklings tomorrow. They are 7 weeks old, but I was wondering before I go and pick them out if someone can tell me any tell tale signs on what to look for to determine gender? I'm hoping to get male and female, so any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!
Look at there beak color if it's pinkish it's a male if it's dark or grey it will be a female
Thank you so much! They were old enough you could start to see a little pink on the beaks of a couple of them, so I believe I have a male and female, thank you again for your help!!
Anytime, hope you enjoy them!
Hey I seen you seem to know a little bit about mandarin ducklings and sexing them I have 3 I was wondering if you could tell me what sex they are they are 7 wks old


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