Mareks Vacc. or Not?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 24, 2008
Lehigh County, Pa
I heard around that it was a good idea to get the chicks vaccinated for Mareks, but the I went to Ideals website and they suggested not to get it if you are getting a small flock. I am only getting 15 or so and I was going to get it for safe measure. So now what do I do?
I had got five this year from MPC and got them vaccinated to be safe. The only thing about getting them vaccinated is that it is a little more stressful on them. But in the long run I think it is better.
I just go on the old wisdom of not vaccinating my birds since I just have a backyard type flock and not a big operation. I've never vaccinated any of my birds for anything and I never plan to do so.
I think I am going to get it, because its better to be safe than sorry. My flock may never get it without the vaccination but I would rather have the insurance.
I would vaccinate my pets only for things that are deadly and if there is high risk of contacting it in my area. Please do you research before deciding on it.
Some vaccines can shed and infect the soil, you might check if Marek's is the one of those or not. If it is you would have to vaccinate any new bird you want to add to your flock.
Also keep in mind that vaccines are not 100% effective. They are effective but not 100%.
I don't vaccinate my birds or my kids. My dogs only get rabbis vaccine every three years because it is something we have in our area, and don't want to lose them or spread it.
If you put Mareks into the forum's search engine you will find lots of discussions on it. I posed the same question myself some months ago and after reading the responses decided against vaccinating for it.
I thought about it too and asked my friend who is our local extension agent about it. He said that 1) There are very few people keeping small flocks in our area - we're a big area for Tyson and Pilgrim's Pride farms - and 2) he hadn't heard of Marek's being anywhere around here.

Big Charlie

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