I am so sad... not sure what to do today.
two dogs got into the yard, into the chicken coop, and then into the closed/sealed chicken house about midnight last night. My dachshund barked and then I noticed my outdoor dogs barking so I go out to see. I then hear the chicks screaming and run to the chicken house to find these dogs mauling my 3-6 month old babies and one of our rabbits.
I try to go in to stop them but they come after me, I snatch one baby sitting by the gate and shut it back and run back to the house to get my husband who is not hearing me scream at this point. I get him and his gun and we run back to the chicken house where the dogs are still killing. They both charge at us at the front of the coop and my husband shoots them.
I called the County police to come out and file a report for damages.
Does anyone know the Livestock Law in Alabama?
I took the dead dogs to the vet (after finding the owner info and taking a bunch of pictures of both dead dogs and carnage) for them to hold the dogs and then myhusband called and left a message on the owners phone to go pick up their dogs from the vet and call us. (We didnt mention they were dead)
So Out ALL of my babies I have 4 left! 1 Lavender, 1 Red and 1 White Silkies and 1 white Ameracauna.
I lost 21 silkies... Grey, Lavender, Buff, Red, White and Partridge
11 RIR and 9 RIW and 3 Ameracaunas...One was Blue and Peach colored, one Red and the other was the one I was asking about a few weeks ago thats eyes were on sideways... we named it gecko AND my daughters favorite NZ Rabbit.
So what do I do next? I am so miserable!
two dogs got into the yard, into the chicken coop, and then into the closed/sealed chicken house about midnight last night. My dachshund barked and then I noticed my outdoor dogs barking so I go out to see. I then hear the chicks screaming and run to the chicken house to find these dogs mauling my 3-6 month old babies and one of our rabbits.
I try to go in to stop them but they come after me, I snatch one baby sitting by the gate and shut it back and run back to the house to get my husband who is not hearing me scream at this point. I get him and his gun and we run back to the chicken house where the dogs are still killing. They both charge at us at the front of the coop and my husband shoots them.
I called the County police to come out and file a report for damages.
Does anyone know the Livestock Law in Alabama?
I took the dead dogs to the vet (after finding the owner info and taking a bunch of pictures of both dead dogs and carnage) for them to hold the dogs and then myhusband called and left a message on the owners phone to go pick up their dogs from the vet and call us. (We didnt mention they were dead)
So Out ALL of my babies I have 4 left! 1 Lavender, 1 Red and 1 White Silkies and 1 white Ameracauna.
I lost 21 silkies... Grey, Lavender, Buff, Red, White and Partridge
11 RIR and 9 RIW and 3 Ameracaunas...One was Blue and Peach colored, one Red and the other was the one I was asking about a few weeks ago thats eyes were on sideways... we named it gecko AND my daughters favorite NZ Rabbit.
So what do I do next? I am so miserable!