My eggs are on day 17 and I have candled just about every night except a few. I discarded 5 non fertile and 1 death on day 14 but left 4 Welsummer ones that I was unsure of. Last night I finally gave up on them and sure enough they were not fertile. So now 11 eggs of the original 42 are gone.
Each time I have candled I have seen some jumpy movements in the good eggs and was always sure they were doing well. On day 15 I noticed they weren't moving as much as usual but didn't think much of it. Yesterday on day 16 I had a TON of trouble seeing movement in a lot of them. It was so much of them that I either have a massive die-off happening or am hoping maybe it is just normal for this stage for them to not move much. 5 of them showed no movement at all so I marked them and am going to check again tonight. My eyes started going buggy after trying to see into brown and green shells so I couldn't tell on some of them.
So is it normal for them to show such a decrease in movement at this stage? I tried candling from both sides just out of curiosity and it looks like it is clear on one end, dark in the middle and the air pocket at the other end. I am a little bit concerned that they might be loosing too much because the air pockets seem a little bit big. Should I increase the humidity to slow down the air pocket? I've been keeping it between 16-30% with the average right in the low 20's. It has gotten down to 16 when I add the water and then will spike to sometimes mid 40's and then ease down to the 20's.
Could the non-fertile Welsummers that I left in too long have caused the rest a problem?
Each time I have candled I have seen some jumpy movements in the good eggs and was always sure they were doing well. On day 15 I noticed they weren't moving as much as usual but didn't think much of it. Yesterday on day 16 I had a TON of trouble seeing movement in a lot of them. It was so much of them that I either have a massive die-off happening or am hoping maybe it is just normal for this stage for them to not move much. 5 of them showed no movement at all so I marked them and am going to check again tonight. My eyes started going buggy after trying to see into brown and green shells so I couldn't tell on some of them.
So is it normal for them to show such a decrease in movement at this stage? I tried candling from both sides just out of curiosity and it looks like it is clear on one end, dark in the middle and the air pocket at the other end. I am a little bit concerned that they might be loosing too much because the air pockets seem a little bit big. Should I increase the humidity to slow down the air pocket? I've been keeping it between 16-30% with the average right in the low 20's. It has gotten down to 16 when I add the water and then will spike to sometimes mid 40's and then ease down to the 20's.
Could the non-fertile Welsummers that I left in too long have caused the rest a problem?