Matilda has laid a giant egg...does this happen often???

It does happen from time to time and is not uncommon and does not indicate that anything is wrong with her. Just check her bum to make sure it didn't cause a prolapse. The egg is most likely a double yolker. Maybe she's an over-achiever.
we get those too from our chickens I am not sure which hens lays them our Road island red's,or the barred Rock hens . I have also seen tiny eggs a while back when our hen started laying and our duck layed one too the big brown egg is normal size ..
That's a big'un! It's normal, as long as it's every once and a while, especially for first year layers :)
I have been researching the record egg. I will need to weigh the egg on a digital scale to be sure. It measures as large in cm as the record egg!
The largest chicken egg I could find online was from China and weighed 201 grams. After working on the conversion, it was about 7.09 ounces. I hope you contacted Guiness on that one!

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