Mature hen stopped laying, watery stools, listless


15 Years
Sep 15, 2008
Williamson, GA
My older hen Blacky, a black sexlink, had been laying very well until about 2 weeks ago, when she started having loose green stools, not eating very well, and stopped laying. My other 4 birds are fine. She still roams around with the others, just seems slow and careful when she walks, and she seems to have a hard time getting up and down stairs and up onto her roost. She is even refusing her favorite treat, sunflower seeds, just looks at them and turns her head.

This began at about the same time my youngest pullet began setting on a clutch of eggs. Any connection?

Any ideas? I'm worried! Does this warrant a vet visit?

Nut sure grandma but I hope someone can offer help and she starts perking up.
No, haven't wormed recently but I'm sure that wouldn't hurt. I'm a vet myself but what we were taught in school was geared mostly toward the poultry business and flocks of chickens, not individuals.

Gave her some wild birdseed today and she seemed to perk up with that. Think I'll catch her tonight when she goes to roost and try to do a good exam, and check her vent, maybe get a stool sample for a fecal exam.

You guys are great, this is the only forum where I know I'll get a reply right away. Thanks for the advice!

Just wanted to update, even though it's been over a month! I did do a good exam on her that night and found a very distended abdomen. She curled up next to one of my setting hens that night and I found her dead in the same spot the next morning.

I did a quick necropsy, and found her abdomen full - I mean FULL - of tumors. Small firm tumors on every part of her intestine, and part of her intestine ruptured. I didn't try to look at the tumor under the microscope, but I'm thinking it was avian leukosis.

All of my other birds have been fine. I guess it was just her time. I still miss her!
that was my first opinion
the old birds get the cancerous toumors and fill then with liwuid and takes about 2 weeks and they die
so sorry but gives you the heads up to watch the rest

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