May I just complain for a moment?


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
And complain LOUDLY!!!! My allergies are acting up like there is no tomorrow and it is driving me BATTY!!!! I sneeze, I blow, I wipe, I sneeze again. I have no clue if I am getting a cold or this is too much pollen in the air.

Quite frankly, I do not have time for this business. GO!!!
Yeah, with all you've got going on, this just stinks! Complain away, allergies bite and you're entitled to some fussing
Ugg. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with the pollen. It seems especially nasty this year. Hopefully we will blow through spring quickly and it will all die done.

Get yourself a neti pot. Nasal irrigation (a lot better than it sounds!) You use a saline solution (that you make) and the pot does a better job of getting high up into the sinus cavities than the spray.

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