mean rooster


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
hey i have a question about a mean rooster but today for the first time ever my rooster tryed to attack one of my kids and scratched another how can i stop this behavor i really do not want to kill him but if i have to i will
You have two options. You can either try to "rehabilitate" him, or you can eat him. I guess there is a third option - never let him out of the coop or run, and don't let your kids go into it. Personally, I would get rid of it (as in kill it) and try to find a gentle one. They are out there. I just don't think it's a good idea to have a mean rooster around little kids. You will be hearing from the rehabilitation camp, too. You need to decide what's best for you and your family.
Visualize the damage he could do to your kids' eyes or faces. Don't take that chance. Eat or get rid of him.
If he's attacking your kids, either confine him to his coop or slaughter him. Sure, many people on here claim they can be taught but do you have the time to do it, and is it worth risking the safety of your kids. Hens and roosters protect their young, so you have every right to protect yours as well.

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