Meaties might have Cocci. (**Warning - Poo pictures**)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 27, 2009
I hope some you great folks could confirm what I want to do because I noticed a few poos with red spots in my meatie tractor. Please confirm if this is Cocci.



Should I start them on Corid? Sulmet?

I currently have broiler booster in their water. Should I remove that if I put Sulmet or ACV in their water?

What I wanted to do was to put ACV in the water, give them some yogurt, scrambled eggs, and their feed mixed into a mash. I may even be able to get a hold of raw milk
- What is considered a normal concentration vs a high concentration of ACV (per gallon). In my searching I saw a reccomendation to mix it strong for a while until the cocci clears.


Should I even do anything? Just let it play out?

Thanks all.
It might be the start of Cocci. Our RIR 4 week old chicks had Cocci and we gave them all a 3 day treatment of Corrid in the water. Cocci is devastating. We lost about 40 chicks in 5 days. It's worth the medication cost. However, our chick's poo was a dark reddish color. No spots of blood, but that might have been because we only noticed the red poo when they started dropping like flies.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Thanks Brahmma Mamma. I have not lost any yet and they all still appear chipper and hungry. Is there a reason you didn't do the 5 day +2 day treatment?

I did buy the Corid (9.6%) when I went to buy more feed for the fatties. As things turned out, they had only one bag of medicated gamebird starter crumble (28% protein). Being in a jam I bought it. I had already switched them off of medicated feed last week and now they are back on it for this bag.

Should I give them the Corid with the medicated feed?
Should I continue with the medicated feed and give them Corid after they go through this bag of feed?
Should I take them off the medicated feed and give them the Corid treatment?

Thanks for any suggestions.


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