Howdy BYC, ive been lurking around for about 4 months, and have just put my 2 month old birds outside into their long term coop. I figured now was a good time to show off and get some feedback on my coop and some other basic clucking questions.
my girls are currently living in the coop for the next 48 hours to make them good and familiar with it. i plan to free range, im in a suburb, but im the last house in the division so the lot next to me is about 120 acres that have never been developed. I've got food and water in their with them but i plan to remove it after the 48 hour period.
i got 2 white leghorns, 1 easter eggers, 2 RIRs, and 2 australorps from Ideal poultry near me in central Texas. Everyone arrived healthy and i had zero trouble raising them.
my RIR and BA's have great temperaments, the Easter eggers and white leg horns have very flighty temperaments. I understand every bird is different but in my flock its night and day, these four love me, these three think im about to go in for the kill... eh, not everyone is gonna like you in life right?
I've just moved the birds outside and i would enjoy some feedback on the coop, also im curious about wing clipping, at this point i only plan on clipping the wing of the three trouble makers, as the other birds will let me scoop them right up. I've seen the videos on how to wing clip, and they talk about being really careful about clipping to close on not fully developed wings. If i make sure to stay well above the wing stems i should be OK right?
My coop is ugly, i built it all from spare parts around the property. But it is sturdy, i'de like any advice people have about how to make it more predator proof, specifically if you see something that wont work tell me. I have done a lot of reading on this site about predator proofing, and im probably a little overzealous cause ive fallen more in love with these birds then i expected.
The coop is a very simple 4x4x4 box, set two feet off the ground. It was made from a fairly new fence i tore down. I have more lumber i could Frankenstein on if needed. Two roosting sticks bi-sect the interior. The food and water will be removed after 48 hours when i open the trap door for the first time. I will not keep food or water in the main coop.
thanks for all the knowledge BYC!
my girls are currently living in the coop for the next 48 hours to make them good and familiar with it. i plan to free range, im in a suburb, but im the last house in the division so the lot next to me is about 120 acres that have never been developed. I've got food and water in their with them but i plan to remove it after the 48 hour period.
i got 2 white leghorns, 1 easter eggers, 2 RIRs, and 2 australorps from Ideal poultry near me in central Texas. Everyone arrived healthy and i had zero trouble raising them.
my RIR and BA's have great temperaments, the Easter eggers and white leg horns have very flighty temperaments. I understand every bird is different but in my flock its night and day, these four love me, these three think im about to go in for the kill... eh, not everyone is gonna like you in life right?
I've just moved the birds outside and i would enjoy some feedback on the coop, also im curious about wing clipping, at this point i only plan on clipping the wing of the three trouble makers, as the other birds will let me scoop them right up. I've seen the videos on how to wing clip, and they talk about being really careful about clipping to close on not fully developed wings. If i make sure to stay well above the wing stems i should be OK right?
My coop is ugly, i built it all from spare parts around the property. But it is sturdy, i'de like any advice people have about how to make it more predator proof, specifically if you see something that wont work tell me. I have done a lot of reading on this site about predator proofing, and im probably a little overzealous cause ive fallen more in love with these birds then i expected.
The coop is a very simple 4x4x4 box, set two feet off the ground. It was made from a fairly new fence i tore down. I have more lumber i could Frankenstein on if needed. Two roosting sticks bi-sect the interior. The food and water will be removed after 48 hours when i open the trap door for the first time. I will not keep food or water in the main coop.
thanks for all the knowledge BYC!