This is Ivy. She is 5 months old and was tossed into my last order from Meyer for free, so I have no idea what breed she is. She just started laying green eggs. Easter egger? Thanks in advance!
Yes, she's an Easter-egger of some sort. Meyer's does have several 'specialty' Easter-eggers that they sell now. She might be one of their Lakeshore Eggers, as she sort of resembles the pictures in their catalog, and being a cross there will be a lot of variation. Either way, she's definitely some kind of Easter-egger. She's beautiful, regardless of what she is!
If you read the reviews on the lakeshore eggers a lot of people say this is what they received as their meal maker chick. If she had chipmunk stripes as a baby I'd say that definitely what she is as they describe the breed as autosexing. I would love to see a pic of her egg!