~Michigan~ Chicken eggs 4 sale BLRW , ORPS, COCHIN ....


14 Years
Apr 3, 2007
Northern Michigan
I will have 2 dozen eggs to send out Monday morning. Could be pure or mixed, the flock is running together at this time. Good layers, winter hardy birds.

Price 2-dozen standard eggs = $20.00 includes shipping. **SOLD**

Price 1-dozen standard eggs = $12.00 includes shipping.

Price 1-dozen banty eggs = $12.00 includes shipping. **SOLD**

Price 1-dozen mixed (6 standard, 6 banty) = $12.00 includes shipping.

Please note I will not guarantee breeds at this time, the flock is running together with the exception of the d'uccles.

My adult flock consists of the following :::
**Standard Hens~ Buff Orps, Australorps, Chanteclers, Blue & Black Cochins, BLRWyandottes, GLWyandotte, Lt Brahma, EE's
**St Roo's~ Black Cochin, Blue Lace Red Wyandotte, Blue Orpington

** Banty Roo's ~ Silkies, Birchen Cochin, Salmon Faverolle, self blue D'Uccle
**Banty Hens~ Silkies (buff, blue, partridge, black,splash) , Salmon Faverolle, Black and Blue Cochin, Silver Laced Cochin, Partridge Cochin X, Millie Game hen & self blue D'Uccles

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Thanks I am in Gladstone about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours on the other side of the bridge (depending on how fast you drive LOL). I have to get my sisters incubator and make sure it is up and running as she has had it stored. Maybe I could give ya a hollar at that time and you might still be offering this deal. Thanks again.
Just send me a message when you are ready. Let me know what you want and more than likely it won't be a problem !!!

Ok, just to update this is what is available for shipping tomorrow morning.

**Price 1-dozen standard eggs = $12.00 includes shipping.

**Price 1-dozen mixed (6 standard, 6 banty) = $12.00 includes shipping.

**Price 3-runner duck eggs and 6 standard chicken eggs = $12 includes shipping.

paypal or money order, pm for details and to send me your shipping addy.

Julie =0)

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