Mid-Willamette Valley, Oregon


7 Years
Nov 3, 2012
Long time lurker, first post. I owe a thank you to this community. I continue to learn so much from this site and have found answers to every question. Thank you all for sharing so much knowledge and experience!

These creatures that grace my backyard bring daily joy and entertainment- and even breakfast! Each has such a distinct personality. I will continue to spread to word (chickens are great city pets!) and send people here to learn more.

Thank you backyardchickens!
Welcome to BYC. I did the same thing - looked & got advice for about 1 1/2 yrs before i joined. It really is a great forum...
Greetings from Kansas, catch, and
! Great to have you here! Sounds like you are really enjoying your birds! Have fun on BYC and best of luck!

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