midnight laying


9 Years
Nov 4, 2014
is it possible for a hen or hens to lay at night time when there saposta be sleeping,
Not unusual to find eggs under the roost in the early morning..especially with new layers.
They might not drop the egg until they relax to sleep...often it's a soft/shell-less egg.
Eggs "happen" just about everywhere and anytime. Some layers are inexperienced and don't recognize the need to get themselves into a nest, and the egg can slip out while they're out in the run or roosting at night.

Others are just plain lazy, and they drop the egg like it was just so much poop to eliminate.

There seem to be very lax rules where egg laying is concerned.
I have layers for 1 1/2 years now and still find occasional eggs under the roost especially if they skipped laying a day or 2.

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