milky white sack hanging from vent area


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
Hello. Have a chicken with a milky white sack hanging from the vent area. It appears mucous-like with no blood. Have looked at many posts to find info on this without success. Is this part of what prolapse is? She went through a strange thing about a week ago where she was lethargic and didn't lay for 4 days. She finally laid an egg and has been fine ever since. She is eating/drinking and acting fine. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you! It WAS an egg membrane from what I can tell. As I went back out to check on her, it eliminated itself and consisted of egg white and a soft shell membrane. I gave her a look and she was not prolapsed, however, today she is standing with her eyes closing and not hangin' with the something else is up. She is hunched a bit too with what looks like a full crop. I will do some reading on egg bound symptoms....I don't expect an egg from her today. What causes the egg membrane to release such as it did?
Thanks again for your help.
She has laid two more "no shell" eggs this afternoon. I did bathe her thinking she might be eggbound. She rather liked it. I have her in a dog crate in the garage by herself. Also wondering if she may have an impacted (compacted?) crop. It is as hard as a rock and she has not eaten since this morning if at all today. I did just get her to eat two bites of yogurt and some Pedialyte. Will do some more reading per your suggestion. Hope this is going to clear up. Poor thing.....she looked so helpless all wrapped in her towel after her bathing session.
She closed her eyes and rested while I held her. Thanks for you help.....I am new at this and it is kind of scary.
Update: My hen is doing better. Hasn't laid a shell-less egg since Friday. She hasn't laid an egg at all, but I figure she is healing. Thinking she had an "inflamed oviduct"? She loved the Pedialyte and yogurt. Have been giving them shells for calcium.
She is back in the coop with the others and seems happy.
Thanks for your help. Hoping she will lay again but she needs to heal first. She tends to lay big eggs with slightly malformed top....that could be what is causing problems.
Thanks for the is so helpful when you are uncertain of how to help your pets.
Glad to hear that your hen is doing better. I have one with similar symptoms right now, and I find there's such a fine line of if/what to do about it. I hope that your chicken fully recovers.
She laid an egg yesterday but it was virtually WHITE (she is a brown egg layer)! So I was a bit shocked. It was very rough too. She did not lay today so she must be getting things back in order before she lays again.
Hope she is okay. Glad to see that she is not laying any more internal eggs so far.
Thanks again.

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