millie fleur coloring question


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
i was wondering how long does it take for a bantam to get in its fuul mille fleur coloring. someone told me 6 months but i just dont know if that right. thanks
Most chickens reach sexual maturity at between 5 to 7 months depending on the breed. The females and males will have their adult plumage at this time and in your case they should look mille fleur. They will get more white on their bodies after each molt.

Mille Fleur pattern has lots of variants--and it is very difficult to breed top Standard pattern for each breed that is bred in Millie Fleur. I raise Dutch Bantams in Mille Fleur and Cream Mille Fleur. They were developed nearly 20 years ago in The Netherlands and have been in the US for about 10 years. Few breeders select the correct pattern and color--use all their birds for breeding,, so progress is slow. (But it is the same with the Belgian bantams) It is not the same as breeding the most popular varieties that most any two,. together, will give the right color/pattern, with TYPE the main variation. At a National Meet of Belgian d"anvers at Indianapolis several years ago, a longtime breeder--(and winner) went through the 100+ birds with me--andthere were not more than 6 that had the correct pattern. Definetly advanced breeding for Bantams folks! And worth the study and selection of best birds in each hatch.

Most authors of information about Mille Fleur variety, say that the best pattern and color will be AFTER the first molt, with males. Females may show less variation after 6-8 months,but body feather color may become a little lighter or darker after every molt. Tail feathers will have white tips after the first molt, both sexes. I truly enjoy working with this variety. Now have females that do not have "fleurs" that have the greatly enlarged white tips as they mature, so can be shown at any age! Wish I could attach a picture or 2. CJR

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