Mingling groups of chicks


Premium Feather Member
Nov 7, 2022
When I went to get my chicks about a week ago, I learned that they only received 2 of the 10 boxes they had ordered.

I went ahead and picked up the RIR chicks, but I wanted some Black Australorps as well and they hadn't come in.

I still want to get some BA's and I'll check tomorrow to see if they have some.

Would it be OK to mix the two groups, even though they're a week apart? I only have one bin for them. The alternative would be to wait until these are out of the brooder to get the BA's.
It can be risky. The older chicks are already rambunctious and on their feet by that age. The newbies will be slow and not really together yet. You could see some bullying and such. Or it could go smoothly with no issues. You really won’t know unless you try.
Could you somehow get a proper sized cookie rack or cut some hardware cloth and partition off 2 sections of your brooder until the younger ones can stand up for themselves. That way they have already seen each other on a 24/7 basis and removing the barrier when the young ones are older may not be a big deal. Of course you will need 2 feeders & waterers, as well as whatever option you are choosing for heat as the older chicks heat needs will be different from the young ones, although I am not sure it's such a big deal if the older ones can get away from the more intensely heated area. Just keep in mind, if you are using a plastic tote, you may need two to provide enough room to discourage bullying no matter what the age. I have seen some people take two of them and cut openings on a side and attach them together to provide more space at an affordable cost. Just some thoughts.
I have another tote, as well as feeders and waterers. I decided to give the younger chicks the heater and made other arrangements for the older chicks. I put in a small cave, with a heating pad over the top, and they seem perfectly happy with it.

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