Mingling with the Wild Easterns....


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
The Wilds of Western PA
Since our wind storm a week or so ago, our rather large flock of wild turkeys have changed the spot where they cross our yard. It's a flock of 20+ with about 4 HUGE toms.

They cross the yard right above the chicken coop, and lately, there's been a bit of intermingling going on. The turkey and chicken hens seem to have no troubles feeding together, and the toms and our roo, Morgan, just kind of keep a close eye on each other.

Do I need to worry about the chickens mingling with the wild Easterns? There seems to be no issues at all, no fighting, pecking, etc.....

But you know....us chicken people worry about these things.

Well, I think the rule is NO mingling EVER, to be absolutely sure. We have two large flocks that move through the property on their rounds (one bunch roosting out back tonight - listened to them clearing dead, wet limbs on their way to roost). The hens harass our toms on occasion (flying down out of the trees to land in the center of the group (flirting I'd guess).

Very hard to maintain rigid biosecurity in the woods.

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