Mini-fridge Incubator


Aug 22, 2011
Vancouver, WA
Taking the plunge, building an incubator. Any advice or coments before I dig in? New at chickens and incubating but love projects....I have places for every chicken I hatch to go so let er rip I guess. Thank you in advance....
Thanks Gabrielle, read most of those, was hoping someone had one that wasnt on there or wanted to share their top secret ideas or designs. I will keep searching the internet and maybe someone will post something on here.
The one time I tried it , it didnt work very well but it was also my very first time hatching and I probly made every mistake in the book. Im shure there are people on here with lots more experance then me . I did hear one tip that you should have the fan blowing on the light to circulate the heat but Im not shure as I didnt do that. Hopefully someone will get on and have more information. Oh I also heard one person that had a tiny light hooked up seprately to keep it from haveing less fluctiations. There is also a thread running around here some where about thermostates on sale Id look at that , as a good thermostate is esential
I built one last fall out of a Mini fridge that I got off Craigslist. So far we have hatched 7 emus, and at least 20 chicks so I says it works. The trick is low voltage stuff I installed a transformer then used a regular stat to control it with a fan and light. Just let me know if you need help. I do HVAC for a living so getting certain temps is my job. lol
I built one last fall out of a Mini fridge that I got off Craigslist. So far we have hatched 7 emus, and at least 20 chicks so I says it works. The trick is low voltage stuff I installed a transformer then used a regular stat to control it with a fan and light. Just let me know if you need help. I do HVAC for a living so getting certain temps is my job. lol
Thanks for the info. One question I have is what did you do for venting? I read holes on the bottom and top of unit but how many and how big? Thanks
The number of holes I guess would depend on the size of the bator I guess but I would do at least one in each corner of the bottom , one on each side and a few on top Im not shure exactly though. I used a pencil to gently make a hole in mine when I made it .
The number of holes I guess would depend on the size of the bator I guess but I would do at least one in each corner of the bottom , one on each side and a few on top Im not shure exactly though. I used a pencil to gently make a hole in mine when I made it .
what exactly are the holes for? To help with heat flow, oxygen or ventilation?

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