I thought my run was very secure but there was a small gap between two overlapping hardware wire. No more than an inch by two or perhaps three inches. It was enough to let in a mink. It killed 17 8 week old babies between about 10:30 last night until I woke up around 6 am. I noticed the security alarms on my cell phone in the morning and video definitely reveals a bloodthirsty mink. it just dragged the chicks out of the coop one by one and killed them all. The run was a horror show this morning.
Just a reminder those varmints can squeeze through a pretty tight opening.
No more chicks until spring. I set a live trap in the run with a dead chick as bait perhaps one of us will get lucky tonight.
Just a reminder those varmints can squeeze through a pretty tight opening.
No more chicks until spring. I set a live trap in the run with a dead chick as bait perhaps one of us will get lucky tonight.