miracle product!!


6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
New Jersey
So I just have to share this new product I got in my chicken subscription box. (See photo) I noticed one of my Turken hens had a big gash on the skin on her head from where she was getting picked on by the flock. All bloody, raw and pretty deep. I dabbed some of that Red-Kote on and let her back in. The stuff smells so foul and I'm sure tasted bad. They stopped picking on her. 5 days later it is completely healed with just a tad of healing white skin where the wound was! Highly impressed! IMG_0243.JPG
It's not a new product, it's always been a farm companion product to bluekote. Redkote is generally better for fungus based problems like ringworm. Both are great products and the only ones I ever use.

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