Miss Prissy here are your two babies


12 Years
Jan 18, 2008
Conway SC
They are 12 weeks old today.




I know the waterer looks really dirty but they have an automatic waterer in their pen however they have only been in their new coop for 4 days and have had a hard time getting used to using it. It's real familiar to them so I put it in there for them but they kick hay and dirt up in it by the time I get home.
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The blue especially looks like he'll have a nice comb. Very handsome. Yeah, they sure can mess up a waterer, can't they? My chicks are so bad, I can see them with little shovels heaving shavings in the moment we clean it out.
Yeah I didn't realize it was in the picture.I just put it in there til they got used to the auto one.So you think both of them is boys?I thought the splash was a pullet for a while but I'm nit sure now.
They look great! The males do get a lovely tail if you don't have mean fat hens that pluck them!

Here's Wheeler and his beautiful tail!


That is the largest tail on an Orpington roo I have ever seen.you better hold on to him Miss Prissy.
That blue one was such a runt when he was born that I didn't think he was going to make it.He took forever to hatch and was really weak but he's growing strong and catching up with the other one's.
Sometimes runts end up being the biggest of the bunch.
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huh interesting. I have Buff Orpingtons and they are 5 weeks old and all have quite significant tails already... same as my Marans and EEs. Of course, two of my male Marans still have no tails at all, while the others have really long ones. I guess they all just develop at different rates!

Anyway, they are very beautiful, and Miss Prissy's rooster is stunning!!!

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